Technical-RIVER (Ling)
1. As the dyke area along the Red River is blocked by concrete dyke, is there any waterfront public place in the city along the river related to the water?
2. The wastewater in the dyke area is directly discharged into the river, and many overflow from open sewage basins locate along the river, do you have new solutions for wastewater purification and drainage systems in the dyke area?
3. How many kinds of traditional techniques do you have for the river bank defense?
Technical-LAKE (Steven)
1. Forces: What are the fundamental forces (natural/man-made) associated with the land/water interface in Hanoi?
2. Utility: What critical use is associated with the inner lakes of Hanoi?
3. Approach: What methods are applied (past and present) to manage this resource interface?
Technical-CANAL & SMALL RIVERS (Dangachew)
1. Most of the canals and small rivers of Hanoi are used for the sole purpouse sewage disposal and thus are highly polluted. Is there any alternative techique we can propose to improve this condition inorder to make them less hazardeous?
2. Almost all of these small rivers pass through the very core of the city, and have the potential of becoming good public spaces. Is there any way by which we can improve the edge conditions of these canals making them more accessible thereby reintegrating them to the city?
3. Could we propose state-of-the-art and more efficient techniques to deal with the flooding problems and reinforce the existing water level regulation systems or better yet replace them?
Technical-CANAL & SMALL RIVERS (Marijn)
1. How do management and techniques of canals and rivers change when they are influenced by urbanization? Do they follow or anticipate? What is the impact of building close to the borders of the canal or river?
2. Can the area around a canal be managed in such a way, that different circumstances exist along its course? For example, are there more wet or more dry areas, to allow respectively for agriculture and building?
3. How did the canal system develop over the years? Did the technique, the borders or the course of the rivers change significantly?
Nature-RIVER (David)
1. Do floods only bring problems? What are the possible advantages floods can bring to the city and its surrounding area?
2. What are the main kinds and sources of the pollutions in the Red River? How the city and the people who live along the river face and solve the pollution problems?
3. What’s the land use condition of the sandbanks on the Red River today? What are the use and urban functions which can benefit to the nature environment of the city the sandbanks on the river can provide?
Nature-RIVER (Pamela)
1. What is the historic trend of the changing course of the Red river over the past years? (Provision of Maps/sketches showing the shift of the ground over time will be appreciated)
2. What are main types of manmade control processes that have been implemented along the Red river over the past years?
3. What measures/initiatives have been taken by Hanoi City Authority, Community, Academic Institutions and/or other stakeholders to conserve the natural environment along the Red river over the time?
Nature -LAKE (Ayasha)
1. With the urbanization process Hanoi destroying and loosing its strong relation with water and causing huge water related disaster every year. So, why Hanoi is not searching and concentrating herself to re-establish the natural balance first then the development to survive?
2. Presently Hanoi is going on with lot of master plans and development projects by destroying natural water bodies and filling low lands that could worsen the city’s water problem. Did these practicing master plans and urban developments prove themselves to solve the existing water problems in terms of city scale?
3. Hanoi has hundreds of lakes and reservoirs within the city. Most of these are being concretized and using for commercial purpose. These practice destroying the living environment for other living organism also. Is not it essential to treat these water bodies naturally to have the ecological balance and also soft touch to nature for city people?
Nature - CANAL & SMALL RIVERS (Emil)
1. Why is it so polluted?
2. Why are certain types of vegetation & agriculture located along it?
3. Why have the banks been treated in this manner?
CULTURE:Culture-RIVER (Bart)
1. How does the Red River relate to the economy and the structure of the city, at different scale levels?
2. How can the Red River be qualified as a cultural landscape? What are possibilities to 'renovate'/'renew' this landscape?
3. What economical potentials and threats can be identified for the Red River in relation to the city?
Culture-LAKE (Xiaoxiao)
1. If Hanoi is regarded the “city of lakes and rivers”, just like the Red River is called the “Mother River”, is there any spiritual meaning of lakes in Hanoi?
2. What roles in term of culture do lakes play in the daily life of Hanoiese?
3. Since Vietnam is a country with a long history of being ruled or colonized by other countries, in what form do different cultures, such as Chinese, French and Modern cultures, have an impact on the inhabitants of lakes?
Built-RIVER (Bardia)
1. How to make out dike areas more safe places against flood, considering amount of people living there?
2. How to integrate river sides more with the city and providing more public places?
3. How provide more natural and open lands in this area?
Built-LAKE (Sherin)
1. What are the flood control strategies of the lakes in Hanoi? Are they really useful for controlling water specially in flooded months? or may they need more modifications?
2. What are the new development projects regulations in areas around the lakes? And are they happened or ignored in reality?
3. What is the main effect of lakes on the surrounding built environment? And how they give life to the surroundings?
Built-LAKE (Trung)
Built-CANAL & SMALL RIVERS (Patrick)
1. What can be a (new) future meaning/use for canals/small rivers?
2. Can canal-infrastructure be a backbone for urban development and water control?
3. What kind of development is feasible along the canals/small rivers?